Travel Information

Nearest to Khiva international airport is Urgench airport which is located at 30 km from Khiva.
There are some direct flight to Urgench from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Frankfurt and Milan.
However, most convenient flight route to Urgench is flying via Tashkent.
There are 2-3 flights from Tashkent to Urgench every day.

The main airlines flying to Tashkent is Uzbekistan Airways. Also, Asiana Airlines, Korean Air, China Southern, Czech Airlines, Air Baltic, Airlines of Ukraine, Aeroflot, Turkish Airlines, TransAero, Pulkovo, have flights to Tashkent.

All participants will be picked up at Tashkent and Urgench airports by conference organizers.
Those participants, who need hotel in Tashkent will be provided room in a hotel for one night.

Flight schedules of Uzbekistan airways to Urgench from Tashkent, Moscow and St.Petersburg can be found here:

Local assistant of Organizing Committee for help with air flights arrangements
Sonia Hristova: